Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM)
The global competition for evermore scarcer resources has created a cutthroat market place for information that is gathered and sold illegally, for Billions of Rand annually.
Competitors and other interested parties will stoop to any level to get ahead in the game and illegal surveillance is a first-choice method used to gather incriminating or valuable information. It has also become easier for unscrupulous operators to purchase and install highly sophisticated bugging equipment. The threat to businesses and individuals is now more imminent than ever before.NiB (National Investigations Bureau) offer a professional and discreet bug detection and location service. We can detect and locate all major types of electronic surveillance devices such as:
01 - Room transmitters
02 - Telephone Transmitters
03 - Video Transmitters
04 - Covert cameras
05 - Audio devices
06 - Vehicle Trackers
Who and what is threatened?
- Banks and financial institutions: The nature of their business make these industries vulnerable to criminals as well as competitors alike.
- Pharmaceutical and other industrial companies: Trade secrets as well as copyrighted and patented information needs to be guarded continuously.
- Advertising and marketing agencies: Their campaigns as well as sensitive information about their clients are lucrative information for anyone to get their hands on.
- Software and IT companies: What is the latest newest software or app that you are about to launch? Wouldn’t your competition like to know?
- Government and public services operations: Tenders are big business and everyone wants a slice of that cake.
- Law firms, especially while you are in the middle of sensitive litigation.
- Retail companies: Because of the size of these operations they have multiple risks and are very difficult to monitor.
- Hotels and conference facilities: More companies are having their conferences and important business meetings offsite in hotels and conference centres. It makes it a goldmine for unscrupulous dealers in information.
- High net worth individuals.
- Sport stars and other high-profile entertainers.
- News agencies dealing with sensitive information.
- Private individuals involved in litigation eg. divorce settlements.
What are some of the possible signs that you or your company might be bugged?
- Technicians show up unannounced claiming they need to inspect the aircon or telephone lines.
- Disturbance to electrical outlets, wall plugs, aircon units, smoke detector units or lighting etc.
- The quality of your electronic communication such as emails, internet speed and WIFI connectivity has changed.
- A very competitive tender you submitted is inexplicably awarded to your competition.
- Sensitive strategic information is used by your competition in their campaigns.
- There are signs that illegal access was gained to your business or private premises and nothing appears to be stolen.
- New equipment such as for instance wall clocks, paintings, lamps and TV monitors appear “out of the blue”.
- Maintenance vehicles are parked nearby for extended periods.
- nterference with your radio or TV signal.
- You answer a landline phone and hears static tone or nothing at all.
What are the technical methods used to gather unauthorised possibly damaging information?
This is a device placed where it is expected that valuable or damaging information will be discussed. It could transmit sound or video footage to a remote listening post where it is either monitored or stored for later retrieval.
In some instances, these bugs have simply been placed under a boardroom table or in a pot plant. In other instances, they are very carefully hidden which makes detection almost impossible. Many of these bugs also use countermeasures such as frequency hopping to avoid detection from a cursory sweep. The different bugs also make use of a wide range of frequencies which can take a long time to detect.
Other bugs can even be switched of remotely to further complicate counter measures. The equipment needed for these counter surveillance measures needs to be of the highest quality and are very expensive. This means that not many TSCM companies can afford them. Make sure that you deal with an agency that is up to standard with the latest equipment available.
What does a Technical Surveillance Countermeasure (TSCM) sweep from NiB offer you?
1. Do an electronic search of:
- The radio frequency spectrum on site to detect any radio frequencies.
- An electronic as well as infrared search of all walls, ceilings, furniture and equipment to find clandestine recorders, microphones or transmitters, active as well as passive (switched off).
2. A physical examination of interior as well as exterior spaces. These spaces include:
- Boardrooms
- Upper and Middle Management Offices
- Conference Rooms
- Media Centers
- Training Centers
- Call Centers
- Bathrooms and toilets
- Ventilation systems
- Air-conditioning units
For a TSCM physical examination you need highly trained and experienced consultants who know what to look for and where. -
3. A thorough phone and phone line check.
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4. Because business is conducted everywhere we can also include a sweep of your:
- Motor vehicle
- Private residence
- Yacht
- Private jet
- Any offsite conference facility where sensitive confidential information is discussed.